Aly is the creative powerhouse behind our business, with an unwavering passion for photography. When I married her, I knew it was only a matter of time until she handed me a camera and called me her videographer. Now, here I am. –Ben

It's a familiar story: marry a photographer, and soon you're wielding a camera or amassing a drone collection. Yet, Ben's talents in videography were present long before I was. Albeit, not so much in the realm of the wedding industry.  Witnessing his artistic evolution and helping him into this industry has been a wonderful adventure. And collaborating with my best friend only enhances the experience. –Aly

Meet the Robinson's

The real married couple and Artists Behind The Lens

We want to be part of your love story 

how it started

Let me take you back to where it all began – back when Aly was studying in Florence, Italy, and Ben happened to be there on holiday. Funny story – they bumped into each other at a pub, and Ben, not knowing Aly spoke English (talk about a bold move!), bought her a drink. And the rest, as they say, is history! Before they knew it, they were jetting back and forth between Italy and Scotland, taking turns to visit each other. It was a whirlwind romance that started in Florence and blossomed into something truly special. Looking back, it's amazing how a chance encounter in a pub led to such a beautiful journey together.